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Pregnant Pat

Review: Pat is cute, Thai, and also pregnant. Is this enough for you to get excited about the fact that she now has a site entirely dedicated to her sexual adventures? We mean, to all the hot stuff she did during her pregnancy. Her belly keeps growing (in each set, the size is mentioned), and her desire to rub her clit and get fucked seems to be growing together with it. See below for more!
- Content quality 21.4 of 25
- Content quantity 19.8 of 25
- Design and usability 12.5 of 20
- Originality 7.7 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 13.7 of 20
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Preggo Katie

Review: Katie is this hot pro dancer with a bit of Russian in her. She used to be hot, and now she’s a different kind of hot. She got knocked up! Follow the adventures of Katie the gorgeous next door blonde as her body gets more ripe and juicier with every day. She documents her pregnancy pretty well here – and she also documents her naughty escapades pretty well! Don’t miss this babe!
- Content quality 21.0 of 25
- Content quantity 19.0 of 25
- Design and usability 14.0 of 20
- Originality 8.0 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 14.0 of 20
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Pregnant Kristi

Review: Ever wanted to follow a hot pregnant girl as she goes through all the stages of her pregnancy from a little child bump all the way to giving birth? Pregnant Kristi here features the preggo adventures of Kristi who you may already know as Hydii May. Yes, the porn girl. Her new site is different from what she did before – but it still features a lot of action, this time, preggo action!
- Content quality 21.0 of 25
- Content quantity 20.0 of 25
- Design and usability 15.0 of 20
- Originality 9.0 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 16.0 of 20
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Preggo Tegan

Review: A pregnant woman is a sexy woman! The way her body swells up with new life, the way her appetite increases, including appetite for sex, of course, these things are impossible not to become obsessed with. If you can relate to this, Preggo Tegan is a cool, quirky new site you won’t want to miss! Tegan is a next door blonde from Las Vegas, and she wants to tell you all about her preggers adventures
- Content quality 19.0 of 25
- Content quantity 18.0 of 25
- Design and usability 14.0 of 20
- Originality 8.0 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 15.0 of 20
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Pregnant USA

Review: If you got a bit of a thing for natural, next door pregnant women with swollen bellies and this amazing no-fake air of future motherhood about them, you’ll love Pregnant USA. The site features almost 200 real pregnant women from the neighborhood as well as would-be mothers from other countries. This place is so totally special!
- Content quality 19.0 of 25
- Content quantity 18.0 of 25
- Design and usability 14.0 of 20
- Originality 9.0 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 14.0 of 20
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Pregnant HD

Review: As if preggo porn wasn’t extreme enough as it is! Pregnant HD brings an even naughtier twist to the entire pregnant porn thing featuring high quality videos and edgy action with anal, fetish, lesbian and Latina bits included. See it now and discover how dirty these knocked up beauties can be when they’re almost ready to drop!
- Content quality 17.0 of 25
- Content quantity 15.0 of 25
- Design and usability 13.0 of 20
- Originality 8.0 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 14.0 of 20
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Elite Pregnant

Review: Got a bit of a thing for pregnant girls, have we? It’s been a while since an all-new preggo erotica site was launched, and with that, we’re even happier to introduce Elite Pregnant. The site specializes in next door girls who got knocked up and are loving it. It’s strictly amateur, full of naughty videos these sweethearts made at home!
- Content quality 17.0 of 25
- Content quantity 15.0 of 25
- Design and usability 14.0 of 20
- Originality 8.0 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 15.0 of 20
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Real Pregnant GFs

Review: A big round belly, deliciously puffy nipples, and a pussy in a tremendous need of action. Who said pregnant is not sexy? It totally is, and if you concur, Real Pregnant Gfs will drown you in amateur footage. Made by real preggers and their admirers, these videos explore and celebrate the carnal needs of soon to be mothers – and it rocks!
- Content quality 14.0 of 25
- Content quantity 15.0 of 25
- Design and usability 13.0 of 20
- Originality 7.0 of 10
- Reviewer's rating 14.0 of 20
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